This post is a little different, but i did a survey on our Instagram account ( if you haven't already,go follow us @hellos_not_so_secret_diary) and the results came back that you guys wanted advice and things like that, so here we go...
We all have (had) people that aren't good for us in our lives. This can be because a friendship went bad, classmate we dislike, workmate that we don't get along with etc. Sometimes we know they are bad influences and sometimes we are unaware of the negative impact this person(s) have on us until later in life, but the fact of the matter is: how do we get rid of them?
I have had to cut many people out of my life over the past few years, and i'm not going to lie, it's not easy, ESPECIALLY if these people are/were close friends of yours. The reason its hard is because if you are seeing them on a regular basis i.e. work or school, it is hard to ignore them completely. Sometimes the person you are ignoring even tries to talk to you or arrange plans. This can lead to you be-friending them again which re-starts the whole cycle of them hurting you.
A way to make sure someone stays out of your life for good is to reflect on the pros and cons of them and, once you realise why you really need to let go of them, it becomes easier to actually follow through with cutting them out of your life. I also suggest talking to a friend you trust so that they can help and encourage you to let the toxic people in your life go.
Do you need to let some toxic people go? If so does this help? please let me know in the comment section below, i would love to read your stories and help wherever i can!
Till next time
-H xxx